Please go through the comments to understand what each JWT claim (parameter) does. It will help you restrict your meetings better. A JSON Web Token has three parts – Header, Payload and Signature.
M = Mandatory Claim
O = Optional Claim
61// JWT Header
3 "kid": "paste_consumer_id_here", // (M) - Keyid. Your Clan Meeting Consumer ID.
4 "alg": "RS256", // (M) - Algorithm used for signing JWT
5 "typ": "JWT" // (M)
101// JWT Payload
3 "sub": "paste_consumer_id_here", // (M) – Your Clan Meeting Consumer ID
4 "aud": "clanmeeting", // (M) - Keep as is
5 "iss": "production", // (M) – Keep as is
6 "room": "*", // (M) – Use "*" if same token can connect to any room. Otherwise, specify the roomName here. It should match the roomName being passed into the meeting URL.
7 "exp": 1907852464, // (O) – Token will become invalid AFTER this time (epoch timestamp)
8 "nbf": 1596197652, // (O) – Token will be invalid if used to authenticate BEFORE this time. Use this to schedule a meeting
9 "context": {} // (M) Keep as is
21// JWT Signature
2// Contents of Clan Meeting API key